About Me

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I'm Sammy! I try as much as I can to help people with their problems. I like helping people and do everything in my power that I can to help others. I'll listen to other people vent and give advice if you ask for it. It doesn't matter if you're gay, lesbian, transexual, straight, purple, blue, or green with polka dots, we're all human! Or if you're not human that's cool too :) I'll help you as much as I can. I promise!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Getting Hurt

Alright. This subject is one that some may say I'm an expert in. Getting hurt emotionally or physically is never fun. It sucks alot but it is a neccesary evil so that we learn and become stronger. Now comes the part where I give you advice that you've already heard but I really NEED you guys to follow this advice.

1. Find someone that you can vent to.
It helps majorly. I'm here if you need me.

2. Find someone to get advice from.
Once again a major helper. Once again I'm here.

3. Never keep everything bottled up until it becomes too much and you break down.
Its even worse than it sounds. Trust me.

4. Never talk to the person you're angry with when you're still angry.
Talk to them once you've calmed down a bit. Tell them thats what you're doing too.

5. Let it out.
I don't care what anyone else says. If you need to cry, then cry. If you need to yell, then find a pillow and yell it out. If you need to punch, take that handy pillow and punch until the feathers go flying.

We all need to take this advice because it will help SO much. Please do it.

Love you guys!

Monday, July 8, 2013

I'm Back!

Hey all! I've been gone for a while I know!! I'm back though(: So here's what's happened to me lately:
Got hit by a firework, Consoled many heartbroken friends, gotten awkward tan lines, and made new friends. That's just in July too. I'm really out a lot this summer and when I'm home I have time to eat and sleep then I'm out and about again. What have your summers been like? I hope they're fun! That's the most important thing is having fun(:

I have some pictures for you! They come from HpLyrikz. Some of you may know him and if you don't, check out his tumblr. It's amazing!!

Hope you like the pictures! I'm off to do something for my parents. I'll be back later! Love you all!